INFORMATION LEVEL 1 DID YOU KNOW: Australia’s Indigenous cultures had completely different seasons each designed around local weather conditions? In the southwest of Australia, the Nyoongar seasonal calendar includes six different seasons in a yearly cycle These are Birak, Bunuru, Djeran, Makuru, Djilba and Kambarang. Each of the six seasons represents and explains the seasonal changes we see annually. The flowering of many different plants, the hibernation of reptiles and the moulting of […]
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INFORMATION LEVEL 1: INTRODUCING CSIRO researcher and satellite operator: Dr Amy Parker
Australia is one of the biggest users of satellite Earth observation data. The only way to see our vast country is from space. Meet Dr Amy Parker and see how she’s helping make satellite data more accessible to Australian researchers. “I had no idea this would be my dream job! If you’d told me as […]
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INFORMATION LEVEL 1 DID YOU KNOW: CSIRO is working with Australia’s first and only Aboriginal owned-and-operated ground station provider to bring NovaSAR-1 data down to Earth? Our NovaSAR-1 satellite research facility is helping Australian researchers understand more about our Earth. Australia’s first and only Aboriginal owned-and-operated ground station provider is helping us bring that data down to Earth. The ground station, located near Alice Springs and owned by the Centre for Appropriate Technology (CfAT), will download the data from the satellite as it […]
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INFORMATION LEVEL 1: INTRODUCING Earth observation scientist Dr Hugh Mortimer RAL Space | UKRI STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory !
Climate change pioneer*, Dr Hugh is an Earth observation scientist, which includes many different disciplines of science: biology, geology, physics engineering. Hugh’s focus is on developing new types of instruments to be used in space, to help detect different concentrations of gases in the atmosphere. To also map the global temperature distribution of the earth’s […]
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COUNTRY is an area of land that is directly related to a group of Aboriginal peoples through ancestry, cultures and languages. Country is alive and intelligent providing everything that it’s people need. Country exists outside as a living, vital place that we inhabit and through learning culture and respect it also exists inside as a […]
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