Our NovaSAR-1 satellite research facility is helping Australian researchers understand more about our Earth. Australia’s first and only Aboriginal owned-and-operated ground station provider is helping us bring that data down to Earth.
The ground station, located near Alice Springs and owned by the Centre for Appropriate Technology (CfAT), will download the data from the satellite as it passes overhead.
CLICK the link to find out more about NovaSAR-1, CfAT’s role supporting Earth observation and how this partnership fits with our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
CSIRO seeks a science landscape in respectful partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. These collaborations can deliver innovative, sustainable, holistic solutions to meet our greatest national challenges.
Australia is one of the biggest users of Earth observation data. We use this data to forecast the weather, monitor crops and manage recovery from natural disasters. Until now, we’ve relied solely on data from foreign-owned and operated satellites.